So, what did I get to experience during my sixth month of life, you ask. Well, let me show you...
There were fauxhawks and lots of Grandma. Oh and Frog Fest at Hunter's school where I had to watch Daddy and Hunter eat froglegs. No more kisses from them. Yuck! Like I'm suppose to believe they tasted like chicken. Whatever chicken is...
Then there was just me, being cute as ever...
Let's see, there was Hunter's school trip to Clayton Valley Farm, Easter (also at Hunter's school. We do a lot of neat stuff at his school. It's a very hands-on learning environment, which is really cool, even for a little one like me), and then there was lots of time to just hang with my big bro. Funny thing, neither of us likes to wear pants much. Don't know why...
So, we've been busy and haven't stopped. I just went to the Oakland Zoo for the very first time and it was awesome! I'm not sure what that means but Daddy says it a lot and always has a big goofy grin on his face when he says it, so I imagine it applies here...with a big goofy grin.
Blog at ya later. Cole.