Sunday, December 12, 2010

Busy, busy.

Hi. We've been busy, busy, doing all sorts of stuff, mostly for my big brother Hunter who has all kinds of fun stuff going on. There's been tree decorating...

...where I was mostly a spectator, as you can see. Hunter did the heavy lifting. Then we had Hunter's school Christmas Pageant...

I slept through pretty much the whole thing despite the nearly 300 hundred people cheering, clapping, and other general crowdly noises. Mama and Dada never stopped praising Hunter for the excellent job he did. It was quite something to behold, I understand. Perhaps I'll see a little more of the show next year. We've had birthday parties at Pump It Up where I slept most of the time.

There was the Little Gym Show Day and Hunter's Birthday, oh, and Mama and Dada trying to get a picture of me smiling...

Life is good. I'm almost eight weeks old now and weighing in at 11 pounds. It's a neverending grind for Mama and Dada, but it's good to be here. Bye bye for a bit. Need some milk.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brothers, no doubt about it.

My big brother Hunter posted some neat pictures on his blog of him when he was about my age with photos of me. I couldn't believe how much we looked alike at this age and wanted to share the pictures with those who might be reading here and missed it on his blog.

This first picture is of my brother when he was about five weeks old.

And then there's me at about three weeks old...

Hunter week one...

And me, two weeks ago...

Mama and Dada did good by us, no doubt about it.